Our training sessions for 2025 are now open for enquiries. These will cover use of our Teaching Recovery Techniques and manuals.

Afterwards you are welcome to cascade the manuals and trainings to others who can use them well.

The following trainings will be held online:

  • February 28: Teaching Recovery Techniques Plus Parenting (TRT+P)  – a 1-day additional course, taught in English, open to individuals or representatives of organisations who have already attended a TRT training.
  • March 6 and 7 / 6 та 7 березня: Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT) – a 2-day course, taught in Ukrainian, open to individuals or representatives of organisations. / 2-денний курс, що викладається українською мовою, відкритий для окремих осіб або представників організацій.
  • April 16/17: Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT) – a 2-day course, taught in English, open to individuals or representatives of organisations.

In addition, our sister organisation the Children and War Foundation in Norway is holding a 3-day online course in Teaching Recovery Techniques on February 28-March 2.

Further trainings will be organised by us during 2025.

Please email us on training@childrenandwar-uk.org to find out more.

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Our mission is to help children overcome the trauma of wars and other disasters.

You can support this life-changing work by making a donation or raising funds.

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