Our training manuals

Our training is based on a series of manuals that can be used by trainees in their own practice, to help children at risk of long-term trauma.

The manuals have been developed over three decades of frontline experience in post-emergency situations around the world. Together they make up our programme of Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT), which has been recognised by international bodies as evidence-based and effective. 

“Children and War” Therapy in Khmelnytskyi, 148 children, 63 adults

A TRT session with children in Khmelnytskyi, eastern Ukraine.

TRT was developed by our co-founders Professor Bill Yule and Professor Patrick Smith, along with their colleague Atle Dyregrov, on behalf of the Children and War Foundation in Norway. We work in close cooperation with the Foundation, from whom we evolved in 2021.

The manuals are available to trainees who have attended the Children and War training sessions. After attending our training, you are welcome to cascade TRT within your organisation.

Ilustration of a child melting onto a desk with messy thoughts

TRT training manuals

Teaching Recovery Techniques (TRT)

  • The main Children and War manual, used with 8- to 18-year-olds in groups. Designed to meet the needs of groups of children who have experienced similar traumatic events.

Teaching Recovery Techniques for Unaccompanied Minors

  • TRT has been adapted to meet the specific needs of unaccompanied minors and issues that they face in their new countries.

Teaching Recovery Techniques for 6- to 8-year-olds

  • (Coming soon) The TRT manual for use with young children.

Children and Grief Manual

  • Recognising that many traumatised children are also bereaved, a companion manual addresses ways of helping them cope better with their grief.

Writing for Recovery

  • Structured ways of writing about feelings can be very powerful in helping gain control of these. Our six 15-minute sessions can be given to large groups of adolescents.

Children and Disasters Manual

  • Helping children cope with their reactions to disasters

Assessment Questionnaire – Impact of Event

  • The original Horowitz Impact of Event Scale was adapted by Atle Dyregrov and William Yule and shortened to eight items for children aged 8-18. It is now one of the most widely used brief assessments of stress reactions in children.

NB: All materials are copyright and may not be modified without permission from the Children and War Foundation or Children and War UK.

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Our mission is to help children overcome the trauma of wars and other disasters.

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