What we do

We develop and deliver psychological support for children who are traumatised by wars and other disasters worldwide. We achieve this through training and research.

The children that we help come from many countries, including Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, Nepal and Pakistan. Children who find themselves adrift from the life they once knew, feeling scared and unhappy.

We work with professional and lay people, training them in our proven techniques for trauma recovery for children.

Once trained, these carers work with groups of children, helping them to build mental resilience and wellbeing. The children learn ways to cope with the traumas they have experienced, and the ongoing difficulties they face.

The aim is early intervention: our trainees help large groups of children in their communities with the first steps towards recovering from trauma.

The people that we train can go on to cascade the training to others in their community, so more children can be reached as early as possible.

Ilustration of a child melting onto a desk with messy thoughts

Our trainers work in English and in local languages. We offer the training in person and online through video conferencing.

In addition to training the carers, we continue to research and develop new applications and adaptations of TRT – for example, for children experiencing traumatic grief, for parents living in conflict settings, and for very young children.

What we do makes a difference

Now more than ever, children need help to cope with the trauma they're experiencing.

Children and War UK is working to give them essential tools to reduce the long-term effects of traumatic stress.

Thank you.